I just turned 40!!

Well, I just turned 40!  

I'd have to describe the last year of my life as nothing short of epic!  Not in the sense of giant financial gain, property acquisitions or normal things associated with that word.  But it was epic in the way of personal growth.  I learned how to let go of all the things that no longer serve a purpose in my life.  I had to let go of old ideas, old ways of thought and the things that made me too comfortable to embrace change!  The universe has a way of giving you everything that you want, but sometimes it takes a period of uncomfortable situations to get the process started.

I wanted change and a new environment, but I didn't realize that I wasn't taking the necessary steps in order for it to happen!  I was fighting the process and had become my own worst enemy. I wasn't fully letting go of my past.  I was holding on to certain aspects and accomplishments and expecting my evolved self to do the same thing over again. Everything makes more sense looking backwards and it's easy to beat yourself up over things we would have done differently.  I wasn't giving myself the grace of making decisions from my the highest level of understanding at the moment a decision was made. As they say, hind sight is always 20/20.  

  I also experienced some lows that I've never known.  I went through some depression and days of dark thoughts where I got down on myself for past decisions.  I gained a much more profound sense of empathy for those who are suffering from depression.  It used to just be a word I would hear people say and I wouldn't think twice about it.  Now when I hear people say that, I stop and ask what's wrong and if they want to talk.  You never know when someone just needs another person to acknowledge their existence! I've also learned that the negative things I've experienced in life pale in comparison to what other people have endured in their lifetime.  Other people have gone through a literal hell and still manage to overcome and maintain a positive outlook and a positive contribution to this wonderful world. It was comforting to find out that I wasn't the only one going through a lot of uncomfortable situations this past year!  Talking with others was the most healing thing for me!

After three moves at the beginning of this year and after everything my wife and I planned out over the last six months fell through, we ended up on a path I never would have dreamed about! We ended up buying a school bus to convert into a home!  We have now set out on a journey to both own our house and still be able to travel all over the country.  Taking the words of the late, great psychedelic pioneer Terrence McKenna literally , we are about to "create our own roadshow!"  Please join us and follow along with our progress on our Instagram account:


What was this past year like for you?  I'd love to hear about some of your experiences! 

