It’s Been Quite a While...
Damn, life can be intense!
It’s almost been a year since my last post to my blog. Kinda fell off on keeping the content coming. The plan was to finish the website, sell the house and really put myself out there as both an artist and tattooist! As you may well know, sometimes the universe can take your plan and tear it up, burn it, smash it and hand it back to you just so you can remember that sometimes you have to let go. Just FUCKING let it all go!!
Last year was a nightmare. Nothing went as planned and we moved a total of 4 times! On a positive note, we got really far on the bus conversion. As the cold came in however, progress on the bus dropped to a minimum and then down to nothing.
It’s now March, I just turned 41 and we moved down to Austin! I never thought I’d be living down in Texas. The images I had in my head did not match up to the beauty I came into down in Austin. It really is an amazing city to be in. I know it’s gonna get hot, and I mean Texas hot! So we’re waiting to see what that is gonna be like. I’ll keep you updated as the weather increases in heat.
So here are a few images of the property we are so graciously staying on with my friend Ross and The Tattoo Godmother, Shanghai Kate! It’s a gorgeous 30 acres of pure natural beauty!
Super cool truck on the property!
You can feel the magic!
Leading up to the park!
My favorite place on the property!