My Small Greenhouse

I can't thank my friend Jake enough for this small greenhouse.  You are the man sir! 

I wasn't able to start seeds in it this past season, but this spring will be very exciting. The temperature it keeps is really quite amazing.  Although I had to put an extra layer of shade on top of the greenhouse as the summer got hotter.  It can turn into quite the oven and bake all your plants if you're not careful.  Trust me, I learned the hard way!

The ultimate goal is to place a house to live in inside of a BIG greenhouse !  There is an awesome home in Stockholm, Sweden that has already made this happen.  It's an amazing innovation that has inspired me to move in the same direction. I'll post the link to the video below so you can check it out yourself!


What are your garden goals for this year?  Please let me know in the comments below!
